
The Rhythm of Grace by Chuck Warnock
"To everything, there is a season..."
With those words the writer of Ecclesiastes shared a timeless truth about the rhythm of life. Poets have quoted it, musicians have sung about it, and playwrights have adapted it. Mostly, people have lived it since the beginning of time.
I'm fascinated with how the grace of God intersects the rhythms of our lives in each moment we experience.
The name, The Rhythm of Grace, is an obvious choice. That's not original with me, but whoever coined the phrase was on to something.
As a person who has survived several major health crises – a months-long bout of and recovery from Guillain-Barre Syndrome, two heart attacks in two years, plus several surgeries in between – I came to appreciate the rhythms of my own life and God's presence in both difficult and hopeful moments. That's why I write, and that's why I created this site.
What you can expect
Here's what you'll find here. First, my background is Baptist, but I'm drawn to the rhythms of the liturgical Church. I love following the life of Jesus in the flow of the Christian Year – Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and the season after Pentecost, known as Ordinary Time.
When I had to stop preaching, I missed the lectionary readings each Sunday of every season, so I decided to write about them instead.
I publish a brief inspirational meditation (about 1500 words) each week, usually on Fridays. From Advent to Pentecost, the devotional is based on the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday.
From Pentecost to the next Advent, I'll work in the Old Testament and some other New Testament sources as well. If you preach or teach from the lectionary, follow the Christian Year, or just love a systematic approach to Bible study, I think you'll find these valuable.
I'll also post helpful pieces about how to navigate the rhythms of our lives spiritually, physically, and socially. And, I'll point out helpful resources that I have discovered to encourage you along the way.
About Me
I served as a pastor for over 30-years, retiring in September 2023 from Chatham Baptist Church in Chatham, VA after almost 20-years with that wonderful congregation. My sudden retirement was due to a severe heart attack which just about killed me. But it didn't, obviously, and I am feeling much better than I did 14-months ago.
For those who are interested, my educational experience was at Mercer University in Atlanta (BA); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv); and, Fuller Theological Seminary (DMin). My academic interests include biblical studies, church history, practical theology, and pastoral care.
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How can I do this for free? Of course there are expenses, so from time-to-time I'll announce a new book or other product available for purchase. I may also add a tip jar to the site, but subscriptions are free. However, if you can, feel free to share links, recommend the site, or in other ways help get the word out. That will help tremendously.
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Mostly, thank you
Thank you. I really mean that. I'm launching a new effort here, and potentially leaving behind about 800 subscribers on my WordPress site. But, I think the transition will be worth it in the long run. My intention is to be as helpful as I can be, to the most people I can, and give something back in the process.
And now a word from our host: Start your own thing
Enjoying the experience? I like mine so far, which is why I moved to Ghost. Get started for free and set up your own newsletter using Ghost, the same platform that powers this website. (I wish they had chosen another name. Except on Halloween I'll probably like it.)